a bold and brutally honest digital marketing consultant and tech coach, making my mark on the internet through my popular brand Create Your Laptop Life™. I've inspired and equipped thousands of up and coming business owners with the skills and strategies they need to create, build, and grow profitable online businesses.
I started my journey to entrepreneurship as a blogger and writer, garnering the attention of media outlets like The New York Times and Washington Post with my no-holds-barred approach to social media. After a rocky divorce and unexpected pregnancy in 2014, I transformed my passion and love for internet marketing into a sustainable business that will hit 7-figures by the end of 2018. I had to support four children with my laptop life, and so I set out to do it.
I've been featured on media outlets like Anderson LIVE, BBC World Have Your Say, and Rachel Ray, as well as numerous business and marketing podcasts and blogs such as Content Academy, Boss Moms, GoDaddy Garage Blog, and Funnelhacker Radio.